A check-in from the Editor - 144 days

What a crazy, unexpected time this has been. It has been 144 days since our city and house went into lockdown, and while some things have reopened, life is far from normal. 

The girls first day at farm camp.

The girls first day at farm camp.

My family made the decision a couple of months ago to share our quarantine bubble with another family who also has an 11-year-old girl. We felt it was important for the girls to have someone to spend time with in person. They went to farm camp in July; another decision intended to give them some normalcy and much-needed in-person learning. We spend many afternoons swimming and paddle boarding at the lake near our house so the girls can get exercise and fresh air.  

With each decision, we feel the risk, and we are definitely more on the risk-averse side. Other families are more willing to spread their wings, which can be hard to explain to our girls why many of their friends get to spend time together. It’s hard to know the right thing to do; all we can do is take it day by day and make the choices we feel are best for our families and our community. We are all doing the best we can.

How are you coping at your house? Please know I am thinking of all of you and hoping you and your loved ones are staying healthy - physically and mentally. 

Please let us know how Her Guide can help support you during this time. This month’s feature article comes from a reader request who was looking for some guidance on how to understand her daughter and personality types better. The sleep article comes directly from my nightly efforts to have a smooth, argument free bedtime that doesn’t continue late into the night. With most of us cooped up at home, the Do Together activity encourages you to get outdoors with your girl; it’s scientifically proven to be good for her.  

Her Guide is now in its third month of publication. I want to hear from you about your experience with Her Guide and what topics are of interest. Please keep an eye on your inbox for a survey. I’d love your input on how to make this resource as helpful as possible. Fill out the survey, and you’ll also be entered to win a Her Guide care package. 

Hang in there everyone, I know the fall and return to school will bring new challenges. We are in this together, even though we are apart.


Do together: Get outdoors


Am I ready? A letter to my daughters